It is presented with a project created with the illusion and commitment of the Pardo Tolosa family, with the complicity, support and years of experience that the first generation acquired in the world of vine growing and that has been transmitted to the next generations with the intention of forging its roots in this fascinating world with the desire to improve.

Is a Winery of recent creation where technology and tradition in culture of vine growing are combined to enhance the characteristics of quality vineyards and create a traditional wine with personality, an authentic wine.

Bodega Pardo Tolosa, is located in Alborea, province of Albacete, emerges from territories of Castilla-La Mancha, and is confined within the D.O. Manchuela, in the region bounded by the rivers Júcar and Cabriel and their respective valleys, which influences directly in the formation of a quality grape. With an altitude over 700 meters above sea level, it generates magnificent conditions for the growth of grapes, as the proximity to the Mediterranean allows its winds causing as mild heat, thus providing warmth and humidity during the day and cold at night; the ideal conditions for the slow and complete ripening of the grapes.